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Solid great podcast
Listened to all the episodes, starting with the most recent and worked my way backwards. Great show. Enjoy the variety of topics
So dang good
Very funny
This podcast absolutely helps me not be depressed. And is super amusing I heard Noah had a heart attack. I hope he is doing ok and recovers quickly. Even my extremely NOT Atheist family members dig Citation Needed. And I enjoy lots of the different podcasts Noah is on. I myself am not exactly an Atheist per say, but I love these shows
Love these guys
They crack me up. The bloopers after the William Wallace episode left me in tears.
One episode…
I love this show. I still think about a line from an episode from probably 6 months or so ago that Eli said. It literally makes me laugh every time I think about it.
Okay Cecil wins
Over the years, I’ve had other favorites, but Cecil is the funniest right now. And the other guys are really funny. And clever and charming. But Cecil is the funniest right now. Can’t wait ‘til the next ep.!
Yeah let’s do a fun quiz
Tom Lehrer said that political satire was dead after he learned that Henry Kissinger had won the Nobel peace prize in 1973. This show proves that while necromancy (and near death experiences) are b.s., so was Mr Lehrer’s prognostication regarding satire’s longevity. <3
Joe smith
Be easy on Cleveland fellas. Love everything you do. Check out the Kirkland massacre.
Nice show
Cool show
Smart and funny
Eli “probably” lies but don’t worry he’s between 3rd to 4th funniest lol. Great guys that definitely keep every episode interesting. The production is fantastic, Noah and Cecil are pros, Heath and Tom exist. Love you guys and I’ll listen to everything you all make!
I’m a terrible review writer but…
This podcast makes me laugh out loud all the time and I recommend it to anyone who likes an entertaining story and snarky commentary.
Nice show
Great show, but K-Man from Pittsburg is a person who doesn’t have a sense of humour
I blame Noah!
For not being able to get this podcast until after 4:20.
So good!
This show is funny
Eli is my favorite
Funny and Thought Provoking
This show offers a new perspective on the comedic side of historical disasters, it also forces introspection on how white supremacy throughout history has led to death and misery for far too many. With an original twist and a great group or commentators every episode is full of laughs and interesting fun facts.
Best podcast.
I just want a episode by Tom, written using ONLY onomatopoeias. Love the pod
Very funny
This podcast absolutely helps me not be depressed. And is super amusing
Incredibly funny
Probably one of the funniest podcasts out there.
I fall asleep every time I listen to this every time Tom or cecil It reminds me of my dad voice when I was like 12 and he would just tell me and my brother stories and I miss that
This is my comfort show.
If I could shuffle the episodes like a playlist, I would.
too good
i’ve listened to every episode multiple times, come to think of it something might be wrong with me
Perfect binging material
Bringing the top tier hitters of the skeptic podcastosphere together to talk about literally anything and everything. Short and digestible, yet funny and informative episodes make this show easy to blow through while performing tasks of any length or variety. Since they aren’t necessarily tied to current events, you can run through the backlog gauntlet without feeling like you are literally traveling back in time. The furthest it gets is having to remind yourself of context when they mention anti-vaxxers back in 2018… they didn’t know. They just didn’t know. Love the Apropos of Nothing’s too!
Fantastic good sirs fantastic
Pretty good
I once listened to an episode of this and had an orgasm this podcast is pleasure
Life changing
Y’all probably saved my life. I went through a severe mental health crisis a couple years back, and this podcast, along with all of your others, were literally my grounding point. You’re all amazing and hilarious. Thank you
Hilarious and you learn something at the same time
I love all the puzzle thunderstorm forecast, but this one in God awful movies are my favorite. The case is all of the hosts from all the shows I like. I wish they did more episodes.
If you’re not listening, you’re missing out
I’ve loved this podcast from the first episode I listened to. It’s one of two podcasts that I actually enjoy re-listening to old shows multiple times!
Two votes!
I think they laugh exactly the right amount.