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How stupid is humanity? Funny story
I love these guys podcast, but with the additional cast it grows ever better. If you like history, aren’t a stiff, and want to smile while learning, you are going to love this podcast. I’ve listened since day one and glad I have. Interesting stories give me a “did you know” stories; so I don’t have to actually be smart, just repeat what they said. Once again, if you are not a stiff, you will love this podcast. If you were offended by this podcast, check out Cognitive Dissonance. Those guys are super mild, meek, god fearing, razor edge guys. Probably never even smelled a beer.
Definitely the best podcast called Citation[s] Needed
Because this is the internet, and that’s how it works now.
Podcasters make another podcast
As such things go, this is, indeed, another podcast.
Stay the Course
The slow but steady rise in popularity alongside the fleshing out of the format and “bits” has made this show a champ. Good Housekeeping even champions it! Congrats, fellas. You deserve it. (Do agree with others that the fake laughing could be trimmed.)
You guys are perfect. Never change.
sToP fAkE lAuGhInG sO mUcH 🙄 Love all of you more with each passing year. Your laughter restores my serotonin levels.
Fantastic podcast
Educational, witty, funny, and has some of the best/worst puns in the podcastiuniverse. You are missing out if you are not listening. Always makes me laugh, even in the 2020s while living in the US.
Stay the Course
The slow but steady rise in popularity alongside the fleshing out of the format and “bits” has made this show a champ. Good Housekeeping even champions it! Congrats, fellas. You deserve it.
Out loud laughing funny
Love the ongoing gags and personality ‘quirks’ of all of them
Good show
I love this show a lot, but I wish I could say it had no flaws. You guys are funny, but always leaving in your laughs can make it hard to enjoy all of the jokes that are coming in. It makes it hard to process all of the rapid fire quips. You use a remarkable amount of non-con and other rape related jokes. I know you deal with a lot of heavy subject matter, but it can be rather uncomfortable. The same is the case with jokes that are being made about other races and cultures, sometimes it’s just a bit too much. I love you guys I listen to GAM, Scathing I and Cog Dis. I started listening to them in that order, you all helped me a lot when I was dealing with the death of my Grandmother and had to deal with the religious comments of the people around me. I’ve listened through the archives, and you’ve all grown so much, as comedians and presumably as people. I know you try your absolute best, and I love you for it. I just want you guys to enjoy yourselves, you don’t always need to crack a bit, you’re personalities are enough to handle a difficult subject no need for schtick. I know it would defeat the point if you all were properly researching, but I’d like a consistent Cecil level of research. I love you guys keep up the good work.
What a nice bunch of people talking about things and stuff.
Intelligence explodes
Intelligence explodes all over and with well timed humor. And I agree with EVERYTHING
Love this podcast!
The single best podcast that’s not about Etruscans that is now or has ever been produced in the history of the world. (Citation Needed)
King Calliope
Where I get all my history facts
Fantastic Podcast
This is the funniest, most interesting podcast I’ve ever listened to, full stop. I found Citation Needed and GAM a couple of years ago on my dad’s recommendation and instantly binged all of Citation Needed. I’ve kept up with it every week ever since and it’s only gotten better and better! The hosts are hilarious and all of the topics are genuinely really interesting. Also - if you guys read this Tom might’ve hated the Etruscans episode but I was delighted to finally hear it, I always though it would be an interesting episode and I wasn’t disappointed haha
Anything with the PIAT crew is always good
Great podcast my husband made me listen to. Then I made my best friend listen! She is now hooked. The Amazingly addictive… just can’t get enough podcast you want another hit!
Also I like to save Noah’s episodes for when I can’t get to sleep at night. Those episodes are so soothing and informative. Edit: Marsh’s homeopathy episode is the all-time winner. Check it out!
Pun in the sun
These guys are great
Laugh Fest
I love dudes laughing and these dudes like to laugh!
I used to like this pod cast now I love it!
It has cured my halopitia and now I can eat corn straight off the cobb!
This podcast makes me silly. So, so silly.
Citation needed
Idk man, I think they need to cite their sources… oh wait.
4 stars because...
...they pick on the Irish a little too much. Haven’t we endured enough pain? 3 Musketeers (and Milky Way) are the ugly friends of candy bars.
It’s ok!
It was either write a 5star review or donate money... so here I am! Of the podcast genre “people talk about things they don’t know about” these guys are the best!
A great mid-week laugh
I frantically refresh my feed on Wednesday at noon on the hopes It posts during my lunch break so I can laugh for a few minutes before re-entering the existential hellscape that is 2021. Irreverent, silly, and downright wrong, this is a great midweek pick me up!
Big Fun Big Laughs!
If the world is getting you down and you need to a harmless laugh give Citation Needed a go. It is always interesting with great running bits.
Two Great Tastes Go Together
Bringing two great studios together into one funny and informative show was a great idea! I love the chemistry the group has and often have the episode catalog on in the background as something to chuckle to throughout the day.
Learn new things
The Citation Needed guys have taught me a lot of weird things, while making me crack up laughing.